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It was oddly hot to do this right in front of her; a voyeuristic audience that we had arranged.We broke our kiss and shared a heated look. Linda had that glint in her eyes that I had come to know so well. If we were alone I was sure she would be dragging me up the stairs to attend to her needs.I shifted so that I was facing both women and raised my glass in a toast.“Well, I’m so glad you could join us tonight Emily.” I said. “To new experiences!”“Here here!” Linda said, enthused. She took a. She can not help but take my cock in her mouth but I get up too.I turn it around, push it gently towards the sofa"Get on all fours"It runs.I sit behind her, spread her buttocks and put my tongue on her little hole. I feel it shudder under the wet touch."Hmmm, yes, prepare me, I want your cock in my ass ..."I did not expect such a direct request, but it produced its effect, my tail hardens a little more.So I began to slip a finger in her ass, then a second while caressing her clit to help open. I set the tile on the floor and brought some tools out to my truck, simply to make sure that Tammy was gone. Rushing back upstairs, my heart was racing. I walked over to the pile of clothes and picked up the green panties. The fabric felt soft and slippery as I rolled them between my fingers. I brought her panties to my nose to smell the wetness she left on them. The smell filled my nostrils almost making me pass out. Her musky scent was strong and instantly made me hard while thinking of her. Or G-string bikinis, I'm not fussy. I nearly said something like, "All my girls will need to have one of those in summer," but I figured I'd better not scare Pat off now. There'd be plenty of time to corrupt her later. I changed the subject somewhat, conscious that complimenting Pat's body too much might not be kind to Lily, whose body I hadn't made a big deal about. I said, "Pat. Of all the individual pieces of clothing you could have kept on, your panties are the most inconvenient. The whole.
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