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Jessie checked the female toilets, then the dormitory, then the mess hall, then the main pavilion, then some of the walking tracks and lastly the swimming pool behind the main pavilion ... but found nothing. She asked a few of the other kids and a few of the adult helpers but no one could remember seeing her anywhere about for the last twenty minutes or so. Even Sonika Jharm could only say that she had last seen Polly on the grassy area reading her notes ... just where Jessie and the others had. ’ Maddie closed her eyes and fought back the pain. She could only hope that Jackie was not around, but she knew that would not stop her mother’s sharp words. She should have known better than to ask the woman to care for her daughter. But this was supposed to be only a couple of hours on a Saturday afternoon and her regular babysitter was not available, having made plans with her own family. It had been a choice between her mother or begging off the crucial project, a move that might have dire. ”Slowly Sherry kneeled in front of the Man and put her lips on his cock. She felt it stiffen.The Man grabbed Sherry by the hair again and began to move her head back and forth on his cock. Sherry gagged as the Man brutally raped her mouth.“Yes. You suck a great cock, whore. Going to get my ten bucks worth.”Sherry was helpless. She struggled to get air , but felt her self getting light headed. Please God, don’t let him cum in my mouth, she thought.For once, Sherry was lucky. The Man pulled out. And within 30 minutes, wrecked it. Actually, it wasn’t that bad of a wreck. I was burning rubber when the rear end drifted more than I thought it would and I hit a parked car. Crumpled the left rear quarter panel.Then I panicked. I jumped out of the car and ran. Never even considered that people had seen me, both driving and leaving the scene of the accident.I ran all the way home, turned off all the lights and pretended no one was at home when deputies came to the door.When Dad and Mom came.
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