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He’d known her since she was barely in school, what seemed like only yesterday but was really years in the past. He admired her sharp mind, laughed often at her barbed tongue, and relished her tender kisses, her heartfelt hugs. He respected her courage, her willingness to try something knew.That she was intellectually gifted—the silly academic ed-biz term the Americans had adopted—had been evident from the very first. In a physics Honors program at her College she received and gave the. He’d have to do it quickly, before his eager troops killed both of the men – if they were able. Perhaps he hadn’t trained them well enough; he made a sarcastic mental note to include ‘fighting with overwhelming odds’ in future training.He pushed his way to the front, only a single line between him and his prey. He was disgusted at the stack of bodies on the ground, even more disgusted when he realized there were more than the three he could make out; some of the Irregulars were pulling their. She knew that the vast majority were well-behaved, whilst some were disruptive but, she felt, would correct their behaviour after being spanked just one or two times. On the other hand, there were two or three classmates who she felt needed to be spanked much more often in order to convince them to be less disruptive in class.So, as Assistant Governess Stanton continued to spank Marcia, initially spanking alternate bottom cheeks, but then changing to spanking the same bottom cheek several times. She knew her husband liked to hear her cumming and she hoped against hope that the intruders would return. When she heard footsteps in the hall outside her door she sat up, waiting, heart racing. She heard the door opened and multiple people step in, maybe three. She leaned forward on her arms, pivoting her legs behind her as she sat there taking shallow breaths, unsure of what to do. She could hear them undressing and she got up on her hands and knees, hoping to put thoughts of double-teaming.
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