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Saro sighed and bent at the waist, resting her elbows on the floor and settling in for her nice, long ass-bath. Jabin moved her hand to grasp one of her own breasts, loving the feel of her hard nipple under her hand. Just a moment ago, her pussy had been happy and satisfied. But now, watching her husband’s erection grow stiff as his face was buried in Saro’s sweet musk, she started to tingle again. Her mind had been clear and rested, and in the next moment, heat was suffusing through her. Looking around I could see that this place had been abandoned for a while.Suddenly it came to me! Christ no wonder it was so cold! We were in southern Alaska! I knelt to look at an empty crate I found. Sitka? Ok I guess we had traveled longer than I thought.“Sheila, not meaning to complain but at this rate I’m going to get sick. Is there any way we can get some power for heat?” I asked as soon as she came in closing the door.“I apologize Doctor Gance, I was occupied, I will correct this. "I'm glad they didn't catch Mary and her mom. Mary is cute," Jimmy said into the silence following his grandpa's statement.Bill just smiled to himself. In the middle of all this, 13 year old hormones are still in control. He still had a grim smile when he said, "Now watch the wreck and the area around it. If anyone got out they might be waiting to ambush us. Just because Mary didn't see any movement doesn't mean there aren't any survivors."Bill slowly circled the wrecked truck from about 100. To my knowledge only the biggest athletic stars, mostly those in high school football, ever scored. When I say scored I'm talking about off the field, at least that's what they want us to think.Pot, LSD, free love and the Hippy Movement were big then. Guys burning draft cards, girls throwing away their bras and the beginning of the sexual revolutions were how I grew into manhood. Gone were the Sox Hops, Chubby Checker doing the Twist, Poodle skirts and the rest of the wonderful fifties..
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