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"Shanika felt as if she were luggage being delivered to a traveler's hotel room. The negro girl let go of the chain leaving Shanika standing near the wall in the entrance way. She looked around her surroundings and saw a couch and two big easy chairs facing a heavy wooden coffee table. A desk and chair were facing a wall with a doorway in it. Through the open door, She could see an old fashioned four poster bed."Don't forget, I want champagne sent up on ice in half an hour," Helen instructed. When his fingers reached my cunt, pushing through my soft down, it was time to take him upstairs.Only instead of taking him by the hand, I unzipped his pants, stuck my hand in and started to lead him upstairs by the cock. He didn't mind it much, reaching one hand to grab mine and make sure that it didn't slip off. I shook it off and reached deeper, under his balls, to pull him up that way; he loved it. Up in my room, I dropped to my knees, fished out his pecker and began to suck. He pulled my. ...going to do it?" Blondie slid her leg out from between his and now lay with legs spread, her son positioned between them. Once he was there, his cock somehow was in direct line with her pussy and with the closeness of both their pelvises, he immediately slipped straight into her. Blondie let out a startled gasp, as did Alexander. Blondie took in a deep breath and let out a dreamy sigh. "Does this answer your question, baby?" They both stayed in that position for a while, Blondie. I waited, wondering if I could put headphones in and discreetly watch another video. It was risky, but I was hella horny. I decided to peek and see what she was doing.I can be undetectably quiet when I want to be. I poked my head around the corner of the stairs and did not see her in the kitchen. Beyond in the living room I heard a sound. Craning my neck a bit, I could see she was on the couch, facing the wall between us with something in her hand. It was pink and swirly like a popsicle,.
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