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“I told you father not to...”John holds up his hand to cut the woman off. “It’s alright, Mary,” he says just as calmly as before. “This is a good lesson for her. Tomorrow is already going to be a big change for her. She may as well get to learning this lesson now.”“What’s going on tomorrow?” the teenager asks, her face etched with curiosity but her mind raging with fear.“You’ll find that out tomorrow,” her mother snaps. “Now, I’m going to override your father on this. No more time with the. A transsexual really can't live as a girl, unless she gets a sex change." "Is that what you want?" "I don't really know yet. I've only been on hormones for about eight months. I love the way I look and feel. And I'm happiest when I can dress and act as a girl." "How about your parents?" They have been traveling a lot the last few months, don't know how far I have taken things." He looked stricken. I could see he was worried about his own child. "We really shouldn't be doing this. You're my. So, what exotic location are you going to tomorrow?”“Home county cup semi-final against Winslow Town, should be a sell-out. I could get you a place in the press box with my press ticket, if you’re interested.”“Wow! I don’t get such temptations put my way every day of the week, even when I’m maid of honour. Even in mid-April it’s going to be chilly, so no, I don’t think so. I better go. I’m going up to get changed into something more comfortable, certainly warmer, anyway, it’s quite chilly. Tyler is jumping up and down in excitement as he tells her, “MOM, WE CAME IN SECOND.” She squeals in excitement and hugs her son then heads inside to collect her family so they could come out and congratulate the team.It is almost 20 minutes before we climb back into the van for our next destination. This time it is Kim’s turn. She is an only daughter, and her parents are so proud of her that they get all teary-eyed hearing the news. Mrs. Huang even kisses me on the cheek.When we get back in.
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