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His cock finally stopped throbbing and began to soften as he regained his breath and then he removed it slowly from my wet ass and it made a little pop as is came out of me. He leaned down and kissed me on the back my neck. You can get up now. My ass was sore and quivering and as I shakily pushed myself erect, his large deposit of cum began to ooze out of me and run down between my bare thighs. I turned around to face him and he was smirking at me, his cock back in, zipping his pants up and. Her mesmerising emerald eyes sent me over the edge. I grunted, letting out a primal groan as I came, hard. She swallowed every last drop, then crawled up beside me.“Wow,” I whispered as I kissed her again. “Who taught you to do that?”“I’ve had practice.” She cuddled up beside me and yawned.“Don’t think we’re finished.” I slid to the bottom of the bed. She gave me a questioning look. “Open your legs and I’ll show you.”She spread her legs whilst I slipped her panties off. They were as wet as her. ‘Mmm I am loving it Jo, more’ Jo paused for a moment and faced her pal on screen, I bet I know what you are doing?’ she chuckled and Jan said she was right. So there I was pleasing two women which was really nice. Jo showed her reendow she preferred to suck and lick my head, how she loved to delve her tongue around the opening as then she commenced to suck and ball me simultaneously. From the noise at the other end of the phone I could tell Jan was reaching an orgasm yelling ‘Don’t stop, don’t. “Daddy wanted the best for us I guess,” she smiles. “These certainly prove that,” you say as you point at the green bracelet you and Danielle got at the reception, indicating that you have an all-inclusive package. Danielle walks to the bedrooms, which are located on the right side of the room. “This will be where the magic is going to happen,” she giggles. You walk into the bathroom, which is placed in between both bedrooms. “I’m not sure,” you chuckle. “How so?” Danielle asks, looking.
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