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' He had no idea how he got there and did not care a whole lot. He also did not know if she was awake, but could not resist kissing and licking the silky skin of the mound by his face. A contented hum told him she was awake. "Can we take one of those sexy showers now? I've been jealous of them, too."The shower was perfect, especially without the guilt pangs he had endured with the other women. Kirstin would not even consider clothes, and they walked naked to the kitchen to prepare lunch, which. "No it won't do, I admit it's still a little red but, if mom was to check she would Know you hadn't just been spanked and I'm not getting in to trouble for you so, we're going to have to add some more colour, follow me to my bedroom you naughty little boy," continued Gail. 'Little' I thought, I was 5' 11 and thirty-one years old, my tormentor was 5' 3, if that, slim and just shy of seventeen. How could she call me little! I followed Gail like a puppy in to her room. Gail took up a very business. "And you can help me with that?" she asked."I need to," came his reply.She felt an urge, a sudden need, a pulsating feeling, from somewhere down below. He left through the glass doors out onto the veranda then down the marble stairs. She said her thanks, exchanged pleasantries, before waving courteously. A kiss on both cheeks at the door."Goodbye again," she said, smiling.In the car park the gravel made way for her high heels somewhat ungenerously. Her dalliance waited in the dark beside her. .it was somewhat hard and not soft at all. After I put Daddy's pee pee in my mouth it got bigger and harder and was totally different than I had ever seen. It filled up my entire mouth and was so long. Daddy said that I should suck it like a lollipop and as it started to get to the back of my throat to just relax and swallow. I did and to my amazement I did not choke. Daddy's pee pee went right into my throat. It felt weird, but Daddy seemed to like it and kept pushing my head down toward it. I.
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