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I just love cock." Do you love my cock, you dirty little whore?" He didn't often talk dirty to me, the few times we did it, but he was really getting off on it this time."Oh yes," I said. "Fuck me with your big beautiful cock. Fuck your teenage neighbor!" "The teenage street whore, you mean." "Am I Mr. Wilson?" You're such a good fuck," he told me. "Your tight little whore pussy is so wet!" He folded my legs up and leant his weight against them as leverage,. "You're out of toilet paper. Can you get me some? I was getting ready to use your shower curtain to wipe my behind." Seeing the humor in the situation, she burst out laughing. Based upon Jacinda's wide-eyed, innocent, and dazzling smile, it was clearly evident that she had no clue that her screams for help might have been even a tiny bit on the melodramatic side. Backing out of the room and breathing a sigh of relief, Khari went to the linen closet in the hallway and grabbed three rolls of. Emily lowered her gaze and wallowed in despair."Good job Jennings, very nice spacing." The wardens compliment made Jennings beam with pride, and ambition. Maybe she truly would be able to get that transfer to room 303. Emily couldn't believe it. They were discussing her ravaged behind and praising the evil cow for her technique. Emily felt her head pulled to one side as Sergeant Mailer grabbed her hair and yanked her head down. She felt something being rubbed in her hair but, bent over as she. “So beautiful, so delicate,” The wolf intones. “I have never ever had sex with one so fine as you, my sweet.”“Please, no more,” Red protests. “My daddy will come looking for me. He’ll kill you!”“Do you not remember his scar?” The wolf sneers. “He tried to kill me once because I fucked his wife and she liked it. Your daddy tried to kill me and failed. He will pee himself whenever he sees me. He will not rescue you.”Red sighs, giving up and letting her shoulders sag in defeat. Fighting is.
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