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“We wouldn’t mind hearing you two fucking at night, or whenever time of the day, you wanted to.”Arial said, “Rich tells me you both want to get pregnant, and he has my blessing to help you with that. Just remember, we are in love!”“That’s so sweet,” Lisa said, “But don’t feel you have to move out anytime soon.”(DING)[email protected]:HEY RICHARD!The ding from my computer went off, and Arial and I went into my room to see this.“Who is that?” Arial asked me.I called in my aunts, and Lisa. "Be patient."Gloria came running out of the house. "Welcome to my old house." She greeted and hugged the Martin family."This is your house?" asked Melissa."It was. I grew up here. It belonged to my mom, until she died a while ago. Her death led to the crisis that caused me to become a priestess. It was much too large for me when I was single; and doesn't fit into my lifestyle now, so I donated it to the church."Livia patted her shoulder. "And we're very grateful for it. We have not yet decided. As she let her nipples massage his face she removed his shirt. Her hands rubbed his chest and nipples. Then she ran her tongue over his lips and down to his nipples and she licked each nipple, then kissed it before she sucked on it. She gave each one a lot of attention and then licked his chest hair and sucked on it. She let her tongue follow the hair on his chest that went down across his stomach and disappeared in the waist band of his pants. She sucked and licked the hair on his stomach and. 'But I'm so exhausted babe,' gasped Helen. 'Trust me. I have more pleasure to administer. Have you enjoyed yourself so far?' he asked. 'Yes, yes of course I have,' she smiled, sexily. 'Bend over, open you legs,' he instructed. She felt a stream of cool lube trickle between the cheeks of her arse. Again, the panic started to rise up in her stomach. But Daniel reassured her and he began to massage the lube into her tight entrance. At first it felt intrusive. It was uncomfortable and she was.
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