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The bartender came back with her pizza and she ate them and ordered another beer. When she got to her destination she would write him a letter of explanation of why she ran and hope that someday he might be able to forgive her. She was taking a sip of her second beer when a soft voice from behind her said:"Excuse me miss," and she turned to see a man about her own age standing there."Yes?" I hope you won't think me to forward, but it certainly would be a crime to let you sit there and let all. Two dry bodies pinned me again as the useless towel was dropped. A dark haired pussy met mine and a blonde one pushed against me ass. ‘To bed,’ breathed Sue in my ear, just before she took the lobe of it in her teeth and gently bit down. Four arms circled me and I was carried to the queen sized bed I had passed earlier. The three of us fell in a tangle of arms and legs that left it almost impossible to determine who was touching whom. As they had in the tub, they once again pinned me gently. “Your mind is a dangerous thing sometimes,” he tells me with a slight ring of truth in his voice and a little bit of concern on his face. I looked down quickly...knowing what Blake meant by that. I always over think, over react, I am normally my own worse enemy when it comes to relationships and life in general. Turn Right and immediately bare left...your destination is on the right side of the road. Hazel, my GPS, has safely arrived us once again to the place we needed to be. Giddy, I jumped. “God that was hot hearing about you and my dad. I want it, I want him to do all those things to me too. I want to be his slut. But right now I want to cum again and I want you to make me, with your tongue.” Beth spread her legs further apart, her pink folds begging to be assaulted. I crawled to her, placed my hands on her thighs and dove in. I didn’t waste time, I tasted her from the source for the first time, and she was nothing less than amazing. My first real taste of teenage pussy send me.
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