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Inside she was met by the inquisition.The two younger girls where sitting on the bed and ordered Thea to stand inthe middle of the room. They both got up and circled her like predators. "Itold you she would submit to you" Eve said triumphantly. Thea lowered her headin shame. If anything happened to that book Mr Lance would never forgive her.He had told her that it was dear to him and that he trusted her with it. "Let'sstart with taking of those clothes, sis" Lisa said smiling. "W-h-at?". First day of our BJ session; one night I went on to his kissing harder and squeezing his rod slowly I went down kissing his body from lips to chest and to belly and then to the bottom (rod).I thought he might be truthful to me from that moment and I did my service down on his rod for about 20 minutes but he never came I am surprised that my ex-bff would have come twice in that time span. After that we slept together but never spoke a word to one another.In our relationship were never spoke of. I never used a urinal, always a stall. I didn’t want anyone to see how small my dick was, despite the fact that I longed to have a girl touch it…I knew I’d get laughed at.Finally, I found a girlfriend in college I thought would understand. She was kind, gentle, shy, small breasted and…not pretty. I thought for sure she’d understand and appreciate my little wiener for what it was. I was so wrong.The first time we made out she seemed confused looking for it in my pants. I found out that even. I controlled my lust and concentrated on my fantasy of fingering and licking her to orgasm. Amazingly I felt myself becoming more and more aroused, purely as a result of my fantasy, dangerously close to cumming at my lascivious thoughts. Chapter TwoCarl aimed the garage door opener in the rough direction of his house as he rounded the last corner. With satisfaction he watched as the door began to lift. He paused briefly at the kerb before allowing the car to enter the darkness of the garage. He.
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