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.One Saturday afternoon I knockad on Eric's door and was let in by a sweet, dark blond guy. I was pleasantly surprised by his appearance, for we had not exchanged photos.We sat and talked for a while and found out that we had many common interests. Eric gave us a simple but tasty dinner, and his eyes sparkled delightfully in the glow of the candles.After dinner we sat on the couch and looked at his photoalbum.We sat close together and it seemed natural to put our arms around each other. Eric. "Warren laughed. "That, ruler of my heart, is a project for another evening. Now we have to go face the jackals." Hmmmm. I'd rather go back home and have sex." Sophie!" OK. Some other time." She stopped. "What did you just call me?" When?" A minute ago, when you said it was a project for another evening." Hmmm. Oh. Ruler of my heart, of course." I like that." Soph, you are. You are the ruler of my heart. You've got it hanging around your neck, don't you?" Dammit, you're going to make me cry. And he wasn’t even sure what it was about her that made him… dare he say it… love her. Well, he couldn’t tell her that yet. Not until he was absolutely sure. Being wrong would just make things awful. Deep in his heart and soul, however, he knew he wasn’t wrong. He was surer of it than he had been of anything his entire life. Now, the matter was just hoping she felt about him like he did about her. * * * Cat perched herself atop a cabinet in the kitchen while waiting for the pizza to finish. "Get back in that first position I had you in" he says."The one where I lay on my stomach? Because I don't know if I can take any more teasing and rubbing on my big wet butt. All I want is that cock in me." Yes that position, but I don't plan on teasing you"I then lay on my stomach on the table as my kidnapper pours the rest of the baby oil on my body. He rubs it in and then hops on top of me. His cock is in my ass crack rubbing up and down teasing me... but it feels so good. We continue to dry.
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