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Laughter, barking and conversations grew louder and louder as Lynn approached the wide concrete path that edged the lake. The area surrounding the lake was full of parents out with their children, people walking their dogs and the occasional jogger. Lynn could nearly feel the energy everyone was putting out and she smiled at the nearby crowd of people when she stepped onto the sidewalk. Seagulls swooped and played above, sometimes landing to fight with pigeons over crumbs. More of the large. “Yeah it’s dry. Does it hurt?” He asked of her as he touched it gingerly.“Not really. It just feels a little raw and tight, but I figured it was because it was dry,” she told him.Feeling bad, he told her, “I am sorry, I should have remembered that. I knew that the chair and your shirt would rub against you and rub all the ointment off. I should have looked at it when you first came in. Forgive me little one. Get your stuff and I put some on for you.”She went out of the office and got her jacket. "Though, yeah, she's a lot of it." So," Mom said, "should I be preparing the guest room for her, or will she be sharing your room?"I always knew the parents were cool, but this cool?! "Well, it's your house," I said."Brendan, you're an adult. You have a girlfriend. She's welcome to stay in your room, your bed is big enough." She glanced at me while she drove. "Or was I wrong in assuming you've slept together?" No, though you would've been about two weeks ago," I admitted with a grin."Were you. ”“Exactly.”The whip flashed across my back once more, stinging as it left a thin red mark in it’s place. She stepped away from me for a moment, returning to standing behind me.“And where is your place?”“Below you ma’am, and my place is wherever you wish it to be.”She moved in front of me, sitting on the edge of the bed with her legs slightly stretched, watching me intently as I dared to raise my eyes slowly.“Come here Pet, crawl.”Silently I moved onto all fours, obeying her quickly. She.
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