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They were having sex on the dining table. He laid on his back while she was on top of him with both hands on his chest. The lady sat (bent over him) with her thighs on either side of his crotch to take his wood.Their faces were covered with her veil-like long hair. At one point, she shook uncontrollably, indicating that she had an orgasm and did a hair flip to move her hair back.The stylish woman was my wife, Priya! I almost leaked and started fapping with vigour. On the one hand, I was jealous. I hear them drop to the floor. He pulled the sweater off of my body. His hands moved to my tits. “Your nipples are huge. I bet they must be sensitive.” He rolled them in his fingers. Oh my god. I do have sensitive nipples and always take pleasure in having them played with and sucked on. I always brush them with my fingers when I masturbate. It makes an orgasm very easy to accomplish. Hands now moved under the short skirt I wore. He pulled it up and over my ass, exposing. She took her items to the casher. "Hello Miss, did you find everything to your liking?" came from the female cashier wearing a catholic school girl outfit. Steph though about the question and seeing the outfit reminded her that while she was here she might as well enjoy herself. "Actually no I need a couple more things if you wouldn't mind helping me out?" The cashier seeming intrigued and excited mainly to make a sale agreed. "Good. Could you point me in the right direction for the costumes. ” He tapped his watch and smirked. She wanted to belt him but actually was really getting hot at the thought of being naked and playing with this guy. She double-backed round and picked up in quick succession a decent sized courgette and a eye wateringly size cucumber, more for comedy value that hoping seriously he would use it on her... “There, done,” she said. “Hmmm, OK but my final veto,” he reminded her. He looked into the basket and reviewed its contents whilst feeling his cock starting.
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