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As she walked I realized the she was only wearing the sari and was fully nude. I could see the huge tits dangling and her pussy hair. As she approached me I grabbed her slender waist and soon our lips meet. We chewed each other lips and tongues. Her soft breasts and erect nipples were feeling nice against my bare chest. I slowly removed her sari and she was now standing naked in front of me. I lifted her and carried her to the room and slowly laid her on the bed. I slowly started massaging her. “Now, is there anything I can do to help you with that?” Helen said huskily, nodding her head towards his bulging cock.Jason pulled his pants down as he walked towards his mother; she shrugged her robe off at the same time, letting it fall to the floor. She opened her arms to her son as he reached her, tumbling backwards with a happy laugh as he pushed her onto his bed. Her thighs slid up over his hips and she let out a small grunt as he rammed the entire length of his cock into her with one. .. please?"There was a strange quality in her voice, gentle rather than maternal. I turned my face and looked her right in the eye - brown like the hair on her head."I want you to know I love you okay?" She said this so firmly, so anxiously that it took me by surprise. How did we end up here at this point after mom putting down my girlfriend Suzie so viciously.She seemed almost desperate for an answer, so I gave it, "I love you too mom."Her face visibly softened and a soft smile appeared.Then. " He commanded. One of the guards grabbed me from the armpits and the other grabbed each ankle hoisting me onto the chair. My struggles were now mere movements which took little effort on their part to counter. They fastened my wrists and arms to the arms of the chair and forced my legs and ankles wide apart and tightened them to the leg-holders with thick leather straps. Another strap was stretched across my chest, then they stretched another leather strap holding down my waist just below my.
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