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“But these pictures of you with Greg in the shower are something else.” Greg had lifted her off of her feet and had her nailed to the corner of the shower. With the water running over them, he continued to pound his cock into her as she had multiple orgasms which obviously increased in their passion from the sounds that were recorded. “Why don’t I send this file to Greg on email?” Angie said. “I always like to send thank you notes to people who do something nice for me, and boy was that nice.”. Except that gloss. I like that.” I complied, washing my face and getting it off. I reapplied the gloss afterward. “Better?” I asked. He got close again and grabbed me. “Yup.” He kissed me again, rougher this time. I was enjoying myself thoroughly, and he had his hands all over me, so I guess he was, too. When he started putting his hands up my shirt, I pushed him off, and checked my phone. It was 3:00. “We gotta go, we’ll be late for the buses.” I hurried out to my bus, all girl, to hide.. .They didn't leave any room, so I figured I'd go and see if Don wanted some entertainment. He did, he was getting hard again watching this, and so I took advantage of it and fluffed his cock with my mouth getting him fully hard again. This had me hard again, and after just a few minutes of my fluffing, he wanted to get a piece of Fox as well and asked if I'd like to feel how incredibly tight Celeste's pussy was myself. I said yes of course, and Celeste laid down on her back and motioned for me. Your instructions are simple:StripShowerTie hair backLay on the bedBlindfold onHands behind your head to the bed frame Legs spread…and waitOh, and you have ten minutes, starting now!Signed your sexy hubs.Not sure if I’m being watched, I take off through the house, losing clothes as I go. My shower is quick despite wanting to linger with the shower cloth over my pussy and clit. Then I’m out of the shower, my quick dry kinda doing the job and I’m up on the bed with water still glistening in.
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