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Low-CAP-score parents and siblings and cousins and aunts and uncles. Even, for many, technically adult offspring." Do you have any relatives on Earth, Sir?"Michael nodded. "My father's dead, a hunting accident long before Average Joe's. My mother, though, is alive. Too old to extract, unfortunately. She's running the family farm as best she can. I've got a cousin that Confederacy Provost Marshal is keeping an eye on – apparently he's Earth First through and through, thinks I never should have. "She's speechless," Jake said, nudging his friend in the ribs. "It's like she's never seen a cock before." Susie rolled her eyes. "I'm married with k**s you perv. Of course I've seen a cock before." She stuck out her tongue and stepped closer. "But. . .Kerry's right I should compare." Susie had no idea what she was doing, or at least why she was doing it. Mike and her had a great marriage and a great sex life, but here she was willingly looking at a pair of. .come on....your turn, show me how you make love to a girl!"She flopped on the bed and opened her shaven legs, I was horny now and slipped my fingers round her clit and into her opening, slowly it started to open wider and change colour. I had never licked a pussy before, but I was horny and it looked so wet and inviting, I bent down and slipped my tongue up her. She pinched her nipples and I gave her more firmer licks. With her twitching and now moaning her clit became wetter and wetter then. I spanked her again,then licked and sucked some more, her arse was nicely pink now, and after a lot of licking I pushed a finger in her arsehole.Gina stood up " I need you to fuck me in our bed" she said taking my hand and leading me upstairs.Gina pushed me onto her her bed and got into a 69 position before she took my cock in her mouth she said "Spank my arse again I like that" I spanked her arse while she was sucking my cock until it turned red."It feels so tender "she said, moving down my.
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