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The king had the strong fetish of exhibitionism. Beside that abnormal behaviour, he was kind and strong. His citizens loved him.One of his fun time during the night was the dance of his consorts in the garden. They had to dance naked with a lamp or candle on their hands. He would walk among them and groped or pinched them here and there. The last one standing with a lamp which had not be put out would have the chance to serve him that night.Beside being an exhibitionist, the king was gentle or. I lifted up her arms and started nibbling at her armpits ..the strong earthy smell was fantastic .Then turning her over I ran the tip of my tongue over her spinal column down to her waist .She sighed with pleasure as I bit her fleshy ass. Frantic with anticipation she was pulling at her saree but I caught her hands and tied them together to the head post. She was really hot and was moaning loudly for release .I leisurely started to kiss her now starting with her face …I licked and sucked every. .. U smelt so goood... I placed u on my cock without preparing and u took a big breath in as I entered u ..... U were not wet yet so it was hard to penetrate u but I forced it in . I kissed u with tongue and. Then pulled ur dress down a little I wanted to see Ur hard nipples . The moonlight hit them at an angle that made them look so good. I was in u... And began moving my hips.. U took another breath in... I couldnt bang u like i wanted so I stood up ur legs around my back.. I grabbed Ur legs.. With every spoken word, Holand demeanor got a little worse. He attempted to restrain himself and to a point succeeded, however what little slipped out was detected by Zax.“Why do you want me to kill him?” Zax will not agree to kill anyone. The victim, beast or human, had to be someone who either offended him in some form or manner, or he deemed as bad. “Bear in mind that I ask not because I already agreed to assassinate him, since whether I’ll do it or not, it will not be in the near future..
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