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She loved to have her long, brown hair pulled as she stroked her own clit and had her pussy pounded. She screamed loudly with ecstasy as she squirted her honey over my cock and balls. Having gone a week without sex (or masturbation) by some miracle, I actually wasn’t ready to cum. I guess that was lucky for me because Liz had more planned and she’d be bitterly disappointed had I only lasted the three or so minutes that she had. Again I was pushed on to my back, this time I heard her bed side. “You better,” the General growled. He was rooting through a duffel bag near the tent’s opening. As he bent over, searching, Kareena had a perfect view of the man’s dangling balls and the long, elongated cock that bobbed gently like a silken-steel rod, its bulbous tip looking ominous to her.“Ah, here it is.” The General stood up and turned around. With a grin of triumph, he showed her what he had found: A candle and matches. Around the candle was a cardboard ring to catch the wax. He proceeded. I settled for securing Serena to a padded bench with her legs slightly spread. I took the opportunity to see how she was feeling; seriously horny if her sex was anything to go by. I tried to phrase a suitable form of words. At least half of the fun for Serena, I had realised, was the formality of it all."I will now administer 10 strokes of the strap as punishment for disrespect towards your Master." I paused and then continued. "When you are ready." Yes Master. May I please have my first. Her cleavage today was also modest, a red knit sweater showing just a hint of her mounds. “Um, so, Rick, I have those books you were looking for yesterday,” J4K said, her full lips turning into an inviting smile. Glancing nervously around, J4K made sure none of her supervisors or co-workers were watching her as she led the young gentleman to the very back of the library. The wetness already started between her legs as she began replaying scenes from last night’s encounter and anticipating what.
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