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If he gave in to his burning desire - and her burning desire - the emotions of the morning could drive them apart, rather than draw them closer.Barely in control of himself, and not knowing what else to do, he channeled all the varied emotions churning within him into a kiss. He kissed and kissed, not letting up until she released her grip on his cock and threw her arms around him. As she pulled him close, he felt her shake from her own emotional overload before she finally released a huge sigh. Both my mom and grandpa work late so when I get home I have about 4 hours alone with my grandmother. Her name is Elsa and was born in Guadalajara, Mexico. She is short, about 5 feet 1 inch. And has a nice curvy body for her age. Her skin is slightly softer. I wouldn't quite call it saggy but just right. She has a plump stomach, thick thighs, and nice dd breasts that hang down just perfectly. I get a boner as my mind pictures her figure. "Ben! Hey Ben!!" my friend calls impatiently. "Are you. Up and down, up and down licking and sucking he sweet pre-cum. I felt his hands grab my head from behind, and then he started to thrust treating my mouth like a pussy. Faster and faster he went, pushing his cock deeper and deeper into my mouth. I almost puked, I gagged, and cursed at him, he ignored me, and again forced his cock in my mouth. He cursed at me called me a white piece of shit, and continued to fuck with my mouth, treating me like a whore. I suppose I should have been annoyed at. On the way back after we are well away from the Base, I put my hand down on Becky’s lap and give her thigh a slight squeeze. She smiles at me and leans over and gives me a quick kiss… The Sergeant says, “10 out from the hotel Colonel.” I think that was for my benefit more than letting her know we are almost there. We get there and are in the door and the elevator in nothing flat as the Sergeant goes and parks the unit and heads up to his room for the night. We get out on the PH floor and I open.
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