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”“You want them to, don’t you?”Her blush deepened. “How the fuck did you know?”“Because I love you.” I clamped one nipple and then the other. Letting go of the chain linking the nipple-clamps, I watched as her nipples were tugged. She moaned, embracing the pain she craved, before sucking on her bottom lip.“Did anyone hear?” I asked, peering over the balcony, “Seems not. Not yet at any rate.”Rosie shuddered anxiously. Watching her face hawk-like, I tightened the clamps, testing her limits not. One very sexy MILF this young guy gets hard when he sees her strutting around the warehouse. "Now, how can I help?" The hem of her skirt rides up her thighs as she sits further back on the desk. My eyes drop from her tits down to her bare tanned athletic legs. A twitch in my pants. "Well I have been here a year Ms Fox and I was wondering if I could get a rise. A pay rise. " I am looking down at her pedicured nails on her tiny feet. "Well Jamie. Why should I pay you more. It's not like your here. “Sorry Denise” WRONG!! again I slapped her face.Puzzled Dee looked confused, she whimpered “ I don’t understand”I looked at her red face again I asked her “what’s your name Bitch”.Quiet for a couple of seconds Dee whispered “Whore, my name is Whore”“good Bitch, from now on you are going to be my personal whore do you understand?”With eyes lowered, Dee nodded her head.“look at me”Dee raised her head to look into my eyes “yes I understand, I am now your Whore”Unzipping my fly I pulled out my 8”. P: are pagal chal hat jau de sod dusra bolu aheR: nahi sang na kai kai kelaR:rakesh tu pagal ahes ka mala samajta ahe ki tula kai hava ahe pan te nahi hoau shakat as mi tuzi aatya aheMi hadu hadu tichya kamrevar hat firvaulaglao rakesh he thik nahi ahe pan mala samjun chukla hota ki kam hoyeeel ma mi haducha ek hat tichya potavar firau kaglo ti ni dode band karun mhanali rajesh nakona , ma mi maza dusra haat ticha eka bol var thevan shalaoo laglao tine dode band kele hote ani nahi anhi mhanat.
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