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I kiss her neck and yank at her dress. She giggles, “babe we’re barely inside."I grab her neck gently and kiss her deeply. She lets out a moan as I squeeze her neck softly. I yank her dress up feeling the goosebumps on her skin as I rub her through her.“No panties?” I ask slyly as I slip a finger inside her, “is my beautiful wife in a naughty mood?”I don’t give her time to answer. I get on my knees and lift her legs up so she’s sitting on my shoulders as her back rests on the wall. She pulls. "I'm... Coming-Coming-Coming" she utters between sighs and moans. I thrust one.I thrust twice.I thrust a third time, I feel her tense one last time, then I can fell little squirts from inside her pussy, I can feel the juices popping out and running out, leaving the bench wet. Uh-uh-huh-uh she moans, "Oh my God" she utters once or twice, recovering from her earth quaking climax. "How as that?" I ask, looking down at her closed eye lids, "Great." she says in a sigh, her eyes sluttering open, our. They where waiting for me with a couple of mates of theirs who they introduced. I could tell by the way they were looking at me that Dave and Mick had told them what had happened and what a right slut I was and a good fuck. We sat at a table and had a few drinks, but I knew what they really wanted, and it wasnt long before Mick slid his hand under the table and my dress up towards my stocking tops. He gave a large smile when he discovered I wasnt wearing any panties and told the others, ready. She pulls back quickly — as if ashamed of the intimate acceptance.Patiently, I wait a few seconds — listening to her struggle to hide her quickening breathes. She keeps pretending to slumber so I do the same. While I feign sleep, I let my fingers discover her body. Lightly resting my fingertips on her side. I feel her tremble lightly as I trail them along her side. Running them along her waist, down her hip then tracing her thigh. The shaking continues as I ran them along the curve of her.
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