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"Hey guys, this is Katie, Scott's little sister. Josh said. He d****d his arm casually over Katie's tan shoulders.The boys looked down at Katie, who even with high heels barely came up to Josh's chest. Her high firm breasts and prominent nipples were on full display. Katie's hands held her hem down, keeping her pleated skirt from showing more leg than necessary. She smiled at the boys, who returned the smile while looking her over, from her shiny heels to her short skirt to her clingy, nearly. I put my hand over her mouth, stifling her breath and shutting her up so that I could get on with what I had come for, one hand still on her mouth; I reached down and pulled her panties from her nylon covered legs, revealing a pussy so beautiful it just begged to be framing my cock. Still covering her mouth, I moved down to her pussy and darted my tongue deep inside her slit, probing to find her clit, it was hard and erect, expectant of what I had for her. I tasted her sweet musty flavour,. I am not asking you anything…. about your past”. Mukta sat down and looked into my eyes for a fraction.“think about it…. Sabhi ladke tumhare ex-husband jaise nahi hote…” I spoke again and tried to convince her, “I know…aur sabhi ladkiyan…. Chetna(my wife) Jaisi lucky bhi nahi hoti” she was looking down while saying that and she saw up into my eyes for a fraction and then continued looking down. I was speechless, and before I would have said anything Mukta spoke again,“I am really afraid of. She was looking damn hot. She told me ” aren’t you from 11 science?” I said “Yes ma’am” . She then continued ” we shifted here a few days earlier.I met your mom yesterday at the market she is a helpful lady! By the way your the only student of class 11″. I gave her a deaf ear as I continued to stare at her. She told me to sit at the table dining table and we started the first lesson. As I was about to leave she asked me my phone number after I gave her the number she asked me whether I use.
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