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She was round for the afternoon and we cuddled for a while on the sofa in my bedroom. We began to watch 'Wrong Turn', a good film by the way! It got to about 10 minutes in when we both happened to look at each other. We held the look for a while, gazing into each other's eyes. I leaned in for a passionate kiss, which caused the hormones to rage inside my body. I could feel the sexual tension.I slipped a hand under her cardigan and grabbed her breast through her top and bra. She withdrew from. Recently during one of my travel weeks buffalo, NY, I was staying in a well known chain of hotels that offers continental breakfast. While I was sitting and enjoying my breakfast, a young couple in their mid to late 20's came in and started serving themselves from the breakfast bar. The man who was about 5,7' was shorter than the woman who was about 5'9". Both of them were slender built and wearing nice cool summer clothing of tee shirts, shorts and flip flops. As they were loading their plates. I could only imagine how the scene would appear to a third person. Here we were, two men, totally naked in the shower. One with his back leaning against the wall, the other on his knees fondling the other man's ball sack with one hand while grasping his hardened cock with the other and stuffing as much of the throbbing cock deeply into his hungry mouth. Rob's breathing was getting heavier. My hands were busy fondling and stroking his package and my mouth never left his cock. I could feel Rob. Robert adjusted his position and shoved his length into her box up to the hilt. “Oh yes Master, fuck me.” He slapped her shoulder with the crop. “I didn’t tell you to talk.” He slapped her again and was rewarded with a squeal of shock and delight. His paced picked up. Robert was soon pumping into her, his cock getting harder as it found new depths in which to plunder her body. He lent forward, passing the handle of the riding crop in front.
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