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No one was supposed to know. As a distraction from his troubles, Steve logged onto his computer and checked his e-mail. Immediately he noticed an unfamiliar address and opened it up. Steve gasped at what he saw and read. The thing that grabbed his attention was the picture. Sam looked in horror at the heavily muscled, tattooed, street tough with the malicious leer. Anxiously, Sam read the attached message."Sally:I heard you're gonna be here at the Harsch Penal Institute for Boys. I can't wait. ," Mia said trying to recall the name on the trophy."Jenna Michaels, but you can call me Mistress," she said as she flexed the crop for show."What?! No! I am not doing this!" Oh you can leave but if you do I release the video." You'd go to jail for blackmail!" Mia argued."And you'd lose not just your job, but your entire teaching career, and go to jail for prostitution. You know what? Go ahead, maybe we'll be cellies and I'll make you my bitch on the inside instead of my slave on the outside.". The men smoothed the cool lube all over me, pulling on my nipples and easing down my panties. I felt the first oily hands slide over my mound and then the first fingers entered my pussy and then soon after my tight little asshole. I let a low moan as this happened and called them dirty fuckers when two guys pushed a finger into me at the same time. My body felt gloriously slimey, and the feeling of so many mens hands on me was getting me really turned on. I soon felt some of the hands pushing. " i said. After that she begun to kiss me with her lil` tongue, sucking my ear lobe and told me that tonight is gonna be special. I already begin to pre`cum but after hearing what she said i begin to undress her and start licking her ferm tits while she was rubbing my nipples and my cock. Soon after that I put two fingers in her pussy and started to finger fuck her. Her moans were louder and louder but nothing could stop me from making her squirt right into my face. After that i start licking.
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