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Joel's daughters did not talk with their mother at all. We went to Kenya for our honeymoon. We were at the Indian Ocean and took part in a several days' safari, too. We admired the marvelous African animals.When I came home I told my husband that I wanted three "unexpected surprise" against him. I had read that the Down's syndrome could be detected with blood test and I told this to Joel. While I had waited for Joel alone I had read some interesting things on the Internet, among which I noted. “Do they have names?”“I’ve been referring to them as Burgundy, Chablis and Merlot. Those are wines with which my chef will prepare them.“Touch my chickens, and I’ll roast you.” Joey sat down. “I’m having fresh eggs from now on.”Day 4 - 12-16Seto woke to jets flying low over the house. He didn’t even pause to grab a robe, but simply followed the long-established security protocols.In the safe room, he found a security guard holding a heavy coat. “This way, sir. Sorry.”Outside, half the staff was. I’m feeling sexy and pretty! I meet James at 7 at the mall where the movie theater is. I see him waiting for me. He’s wearing slacks and a shirt and tie. He’s also carrying a dark blue sweater. He does look hot! Classier than the average college boy. He sees me walk up and says “ look amazing!”. He nervously goes to shake my hand and kiss me on the cheek like he’s not sure which to do. He settles on the kiss, and bends down kissing me gently on my cheek. He’s really tall! . I kept thinking that it'd be easier if we had a way to be pushed through the wall, also we could move over great distances. Don't get me wrong the MTM is probably the best when it comes to short distances, this would cover miles." Mary could see he was extremely excited, as excited as he was when he thought up the MTM hell he'd almost killed himself perfecting that idea.Mary listened as he told of the idea he'd come up with the day before, it did sound like a long distance MTM, hmmmmmm.
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