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"Bitch, use that tongue of yours and prepare your wife's asshole for me. I'm going to wreck that sweet little ass of hers." Bill crawled over to Monica, her bright red ass in front of his face.He grasped her ass cheeks and pulled them apart, eliciting a cry of pain from her. "Ignore her and do as you're told", Alex said when Bill hesitated. "Yes, Master", Bill said, using the same term he had heard his wife use. Then he leaned in close to his wife, the scent of her wet pussy wafting up to. Mmm it taste soo good as it coated my taste leaving me craving more. Jake beg " Oh pleas Mr. Thomson.... take it in you mouth.. Please.. ". That was enough coaxing for me, not that I needed any in the first place. I parted my lips a little and gave his gorgeous cock a sensual kiss and then another. Jake was squirming and had place both his hands either side of my head and had begun pulling my mouth onto his cock. I obliged and first let the head of his massive pole into the confines of my wet. When she tossed them aside, they fluttered to the ground like a butterfly with damp wings.She kept her boots on.It seemed somehow appropriate that a woman should be wearing boots when she jerked off a horse.She wasn't worried about Jake returning too soon and finding her naked, because she knew that the boy, hopeful of a reward, would look long and hard for the non-existent watch. And if he did happen to get back before she got dressed, he would assume that she had stripped naked for him. That. Her hair was falling on my face.I could feel my cock hardening, poking right into her ass crack. I opened my eyes and looked at her. She kissed me suddenly. It was passionate and she moved closer into my body. I could feel her huge boobs.She threw herself upon me and kissed me vigorously. Her tongue made its way into my mouth. She moved back and forth on my cock while she kissed me. I didn’t want this to happen again and tried to control from losing myself to her. She was such a tigress when it.
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