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If only I could have worked it out before Robert left. Well if I had I may not have had quite so much fun trying things out, but I would have been far less frustrated.When I went to Rum that night, I set everything up as I thought I wanted it, and then I stripped. I went through the usual ritual of stroking and hand grooming his back and sides, followed by attention to his legs and belly. Finally I took his member in my hands and using my softest touch I stroked his penis along its full length.. "Oh god I can feel it!" cried my wife before burying her head into Bridget's cunt."Yes!" cried Bridget bucking on my wife's face as she came again.I unloaded what felt like a bucket load of cum into my wife's sweet tight asshole, well after a month away I was pretty full up, and after what felt like endless spurts I finally stopped cumming and just knelt there behind my wife still with my spent cock in her asshole.It was then while the others were distracted I noticed something to my left, and. I went home after seeing her this afternoon and remembered her telling me about something under her bras. I went to our bedroom, opened her underwear drawer and found these.’ I reached into my jacket pocket, removing three DVD’s, each in a paper envelope. They were marked ‘CHUCK,’ ‘CARL,’ and ‘HER.’ ‘Who’s Carl?’ ‘My boss…Dr. Carl Parker, the Superintendent of Schools.’ ‘And…Her?’ ‘I don’t know. Maybe I will once I look at the DVD for me.’ ‘What? You haven’t looked at it yet?’ ‘No…I’m. Their seventeen-year-old son videotaped us once and then videotaped himself masturbating as he watched us through binoculars and then gave us a copy of the tape.” Becky wrapped her legs around me, pulling her pussy even tighter around my now rock hard shaft. “Somehow he had created a split screen so the images of us fucking and him masturbating were side by side. The three of us watched that tape together which turned all three of on and we ended up having a threesome on the rec room floor..
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