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Maybe ... just maybe I am just becoming a dirty ol’ pervert and want to flash my dick at some pretty, young girls.”Paul shrugged his shoulders at the two wide-eyed girls and gave them another one of his big smiles before adding, “ ... but who knows ... maybe I don’t even know. Of course you still don’t have to do this. I can just have my first shower as a C N all by myself if this is freaking you out!”Paul looked down at both girls waiting for a response of some sort and quietly appreciating. She moaned in a low voice.I asked her to hold me for support, she kept her hands on my shoulder and bend a little towards me, her boobs were touching my face. Nipples were visibly hard under her clothes. I undid her buttons and she did not have bra inside. I let the shirt slid off her boobs. I placed my right hand on checking her nipples, and fixed my left hand fingers covering her moist pussy and ask her to finish her pee.She obeyed like a good girl and made my fingers wet with warm piss. She. And then the most delightful sound: it started off soft but grew in volume, a plaintive moan of deep pleasure, very submissive but unmistakably baritone. "You like that, don't you?" she said, possessively. She thrust more rapidly, he moaned louder, and I started masturbating like a woman in heat. Without ever touching his penis, he came thickly onto his own chest, and the sight of it made me come.How had I never known about this before? It clicked for me in a way that no other sexual act, real. She exploded in an even stronger release than she had just experienced. Julie could feel the pleasure Sarah was deriving from servicing her pussy. She looked down to watch as Dave slid his cock into Sarah. Those erect nipples below her were just too inviting. She reached down and twisted them. She felt Sarah spasm with orgasm. She threw her arms around Dave’s neck and pulled him into a kiss. “Good job Daddy! Now I want you to fuck her long and slow. Make my slut cum again and again while she.
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