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Her body is absurdly curvaceous with remarkable broad hips that could only accompany the greatest ass I’ve ever seen. Her ass went to limit of almost being too big (if that’s possible) and took a little step passed it while defying gravity and reason with no signs of sagging. She had a 36dd rack that was equally amazing. I never really thought of it and it was weird to think of, but I have to admit my mom sports a truly nice ass too. It wasn't quite as provocative and big (nobody’s was) as my. How is this possible. I can't... Johnny, hecan't see me like this, it would be..." Let me show you something just as incredible," Madame Jae's assistant,Loretta said sweetly, as she took Lou by the hand down the hallway. Thebodice he was wearing and the unease in heels forced him to takemincing steps, causing his suddenly bubbled bottom to sway like alifelong female. His male ego was smothered.Loretta welcomed Lou into the room where Madame Jae was waiting with asomewhat familiar young woman.. Elise rolled over and once again broke into a crawl. She made her way around the stage on her hands and knees collecting all the tips she earned. She thanked each guy as she passed them by. I was the last stop on her lap around the stage. She scooped up the last of the dollars and her discarded bikini."Stay put," Elise whispered so only I could hear.Elise popped up and left the stage as the next dancer appeared. I moved back to my original seat and watched Elise return to the changing room. I. Kitty-Sue: Well, as it turns out, I have time. LOL. Hold on a sec, Binx wants out. Deviant Dave: OK, I’ll be waiting.I sent the message then put my phone in my pocket. I stood in the shadows, watching, waiting. The back door opens and a cat runs out followed by the lovely owner. She looks up at the sky and exhales a frustrated sigh. Her pink bathrobe ended just above her knees, her caramel legs flowing out the beneath the hem to the little black socks she wore with the ruffles on top.I stepped.
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