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Whole day I was dreaming my papa’s cock and rubbing it in bathroom. I felt horny and got wetness inside my panty. At first I was approaching but he is approaching me faster. I could not believe as my dad is all prepared to fuck me as I know what happened to me. He came early and had evening tea. I did not want to go head so fast so I was wearing full clothes. After dinner papa lay down beside me. He was searching my boobs but I covered it under the sheet. Next day was holy so I made breakfast. I made one more peg for us but she said no. But I insisted and finally, she took it.Then I asked her, “Kamini, don’t you feel lonely without a companion?”“What do you mean”, she asked. I replied, I mean we all have needs”, and gave her a smile. Then I moved closer to her and planted a kiss on her lips. I was frightened but I made my move. I waited for a reaction which came as a smile. Then I just jumped onto her and started smooching her.That kiss was the hottest kiss of my life. We were. Heh heh. Hey, I waited 12 years for this day!! Sure all of us knew that driving and drinking was a no-no, but how do you tell seniors this? Ya can’t! Anyway, it happened. An accident. All I remember was Tom saying we were gonna roll and then I must have blacked out. I woke up in the hospital. Two busted arms and one busted leg but no serious damage. I am the one that recieved injuries…no one else did! That kinda figures huh? I felt down and I had one of those damn tubes in my dick so I could. I was invited to some 5 star hotel, but I am not impressed with luxury…I took it in unimpressed. I met the older gent and we spoke of simple truths such as you tell anyone you just meet. We drank coffee and he ordered me water, which I found strange but polite. When the waiter came with water, he asked me to drink it all….that I needed it. When I did, he leaned in close and said “I think you are quite interesting, and I really want to go up to my room. It is ready for you and I and I want you.
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