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If anything, slow down. The gentler and slower and more consistent you are, the quicker she’ll get there. (Though it’s not a race to get to the finish line even if that is where the “intercourse” flag tantalizingly waves.)If she’s not even close but you’re so tired you’re losing the will to live, do one of two things. Either reach down and grab the small vibe you’ve put beside the bed for that purpose and hold it close to the clitoris as you continue to lick (or kiss her instead and just let. But of course I can FEEL it. My skin is on fire as i pull up the thong and garter and put on the bra. Pretty stuff which i’m sure You will love. i sit on the side of the bed and begin to roll on the stockings. What a feeling...i slip on the heels to complete the feeling, and it’s back to the bathroom to fix hair and apply final bits of makeup. Things seem to be working out pretty well so far.When i come back out of the bathroom, there’s a half hour to go before it’s time to leave. Still on. For a time I was so thin and flexible, I could suck my own dick to the balls.(Still think the taste for cum I got sucking myself turned me BI as an adult (Always was as an adolescent). So now i"m on the floor, arms over the back of my knees, working baby oil into my ass because i noticed an empty glass bottle that was meaner than an anal intruder & had to try.I succeeded, the camera got a shot of me sucking my own cock hard. As I started to cum, I pulled the bottle out of my ass I felt cool air. He knelt down and could see I was completely bare. He really, really liked that. Hedidn’t even look up, just put his hand on my stomach and pushed me back until I was completely flat.He put his hands under my ass and pulled my body completely to the edge. I didn’t even have a secondto adjust and his tongue was on my clit. Baby, it was so, so good. I’ve never felt anything quite like that. I don’t know what he did, but he swirled his tongue around me, sucked, gave me long slow deep licks from.
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