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It was like the Rubicon River that Caesar crossed in 49 B.C. on his way to Rome. Once that natural barrier was crossed, there was no turning back, no undoing of an event. As Caesar said, ‘the die was cast’.It was something Gina said she wanted and I felt deep inside I could not deny her. Chuck and I discussed this many times.I still hesitated a moment in my period of brief insanity then moved across Chuck’s chest to kiss Gina. It was a deep kiss filled with love and passion. I caressed her. Just like in my "Black Cannon" story,I've had many pricks pressed against my thigh.Even after learning the truth,a lot of the straight black guys I was dancing with took me to the parking lot for some "quick relief".I was more than happy to accomodate them but always made them kiss me first.I hunger to be held and kissed by black men.This was my reward for the pleasure I was about to bring them.Sometimes we'd return and I'd hear whispered talk with the expression "never happen".A kiss and a. She just kept one finger in my mouth and one hand in my shorts. My cock started growing seeing her near to me. She smiled and told its ok I will take a look (Paravala da. Naan paakren). On feeling my size she smiled and asked shall I remove and give you some relief.I didn’t talk a word in shyness and she removed my shorts. My cock jumped like a spring. She touched it so slowly and asked me where is the pain.I told in the tip of the penis. She was touching the tip and kissed it. I felt shock at. " he giggles.When he regains control from his bout with the giggles, he dresses andgets ready for class. Fortunately, the baggy look is in. None of hisclothes fit any more. After all, they're for someone three inches taller and sixty pounds heavier than who he is now.In each of his classes, everything is the same as it was the day before.He fidgets nervously in his seat. He can't find a comfortable position.And with every little noise he jumps.But not everything is the same. There is one.
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