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I didn't think much of it, I'd had physicals before.So the time comes the next day and I go to the Nurse's Office, which was off of the "health room" which was just a conference room. I walk through this room and into the Nurse's Office and see a smiling woman in her 50's sitting behind a desk. She had short permed hair and was kind of plump, much more so in the hips and ass. To me she was just another lady. We started chatting a little and I found out that she wasn't the actual School Nurse,. I never needed anything with ridges to get off. As long as something hard was deep inside me, I always made it work. Once I started to move my body up and down over the bedpost, I could feel my ruffled lips part and stretch to numbing tingles. The feeling always sent shivers through my body as my pussy lips pulled apart to slide over the round oval apparatus. Lowering myself back over it was the best part because as I felt it slowly go back inside; the fullness gave me a sense of closure. I was. "Her husband chuckled good-naturedly. "Yea, but no more than your mom and dad do. Besides, I have a ton of fun with the kids."It's true, he did. Jessica was so happy with her family. The only problem was that her husband had a 'roving' eye and would look at anything with a skirt, especially young and good-looking skirts. The other problem was that he enjoyed drinking and playing poker with his buddies. He went out several times a month. She insisted that she be allowed one night out with the. Pulling the curtains back, Raya sees a huge cock right in front of her, dropping her towel at the excitement of Stepping out of the shower to a cock that size made Raya's pussy wet Can I touch it she asked. Yes, Lester said, grabbing Lesters' huge cock made Rayia so fucking horny without warning Raya's mouth was all over Lester's cock. Lester grabbed his phone and pulled up blow job videos for Raya to watch to learn how to suck a man’s cock Rayia did just as the woman on the video did and it.
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