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Enjoy the rest of your life. I will pack all of your crap and put it on the porch. Take it to whoever put that crap in your mind. The next time we talk will be across the table with a divorce attorney.”“What do you mean,” she screamed, “I don’t want a divorce, I am not moving out, I am talking about taking a lover, not cheating on you.”“Lady, you made four statements there, and you were wrong on at least three of them. You must want a divorce, I no longer am enough. You are moving out, my. I entered the basement car park, heading down a couple of ramps, into the bowels of the building, looking for J’s allocated unit number parking spot. Oh I found it alright. There was a bloody black Mercedes in the slot. Mmm I was desperate. As it was the last parking spot in the row and wall side, I i*****lly double parked the small Volkswagen Polo I was driving and decided whoever was visiting Joanna would be there longer than me. I parked and then walked over several metres and entered the. I took her engorged nipples between my thumb and forefinger and rolled them gently .’Ooh harder’ panted Louise and I complied, being rewarded with a gasp of pleasure as I pulled at them. She grabbed me round the back of head and drew my face to her chest, smothering me in the soft, fragrant flesh. I fixed my mouth over one hard nipple and sucked deeply, working my tongue around it. Louise gasped again as I propelled her back into a nearby armchair. I was now poised above her, kneading her tit. ”“Mmmm, yes, very nice!” said Kim. “Daryl, you look great too. Now both of you just relax and let it be. We’re just as nervous about putting our boobs and lower parts on display.”“Daryl, do you want me to help it go down?” asked CindyEverybody stared open mouthed at Cindy. Kim thought to herself ‘Way to go Cindy!’ Daryl, not to be outdone said “Sure, if it’s turnabout.” Cindy knew that Daryl knew that by now she would have a very wet and needy pussy. Her legs being close together had been.
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