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He then unzipped his jeans and watchedthem fall to his ankles. Not taking his eyes off his reflection, heshivered as he let his boxer shorts fall down his legs too. He thenkicked off his runners, and took off his socks.He took a second deep breath as he listened to his pulse thump in hisear. His eyes hung lazily, his breath was heavy and paced as he unzippedthe bag Dave had given him. Inside he found a makeup set, the beautifulbrunette wig carelessly tossed in, a pair of black tights, a white. I even kept Guaedret nude for my pleasure as well. Ernest I permitted only his nightclothes, as a further demonstration of my power.“Good sirs, be apprised of my intentions toward you, this fair town, this borough, this shire, and indeed this duchy. As the new and first Duke of Cornwall, I seek to assert the rights of this ancient land against the usurper and rebel Roger Mortimer, his lover the treacherous French Queen who turned against her own husband, and his lawless collection of followers,. ‘We don’t have a TV out on my aunt’s property so I have never seen you before today. You know all about me and I don’t know anything about you. Can I ask you some personal questions?’ ‘What would you like to know,’ she sighed as she blew a stream of smoke into his face. ‘How old are you, are you married, do you have a boyfriend, where do you live. You know the sort of questions my aunt will ask when I tell her about you.’ ‘Well I’m thirty, divorced with no regular boyfriend and live in a condo. She just grinned and whispered...”Bring all yer tarts here, do ya..?” I tried to muffle a laugh.“Yes I have” I answered, “about two years ago”“Would you like the same room, Sir?” “Er... yes. I do remember it being nice and large”“Yes and...... quiet”... there was a suggestive tone to the concierges voice.“That’ll be fine” I said, and within less than a minute we had our keys and were in the lift to the top floor. The room was at the other end of the hotel, away from noise and ‘interruptions’ –.
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