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When Art first told her about it, she was disbelieving, but after she looked it up on the web, and found out it was real, she started thinking “well maybe I did…my legs and butt muscles are sore sometimes in the mornings”. Art told her that as she came, she would cry out things like “He can see me!“ and “They’re watching me” He knew that masturbating for truckers was a long held fantasy for Ida, though she had yet to act it out. Until today. As Brent and Jake walked to their truck, they. We dressed and stepped thru the curtain to be met my the whole group eating breakfast..Every one was smiling and Rowrf said, “We were Getting ready to pull out and let you sleep.” With that every one laughed. My feelings today was that something was going to happen. I Had used the same traveling order except Roli had elected to travel with Twil and Ciel was astride of Cherg. Barf had positioned himself mid way between Harper and the wagon. Linda had dropped back the same distance at the. They both graciously ignored my erections, for the most part. Once I got an erection while Mom was doing some housework, all that bending over and ass shaking while she buffed, polished, picked things up. I was sitting in the living room watching TV, and as it happened Baywatch came on just then. It was all too much for me, so I started to jerk off. When Mom noticed, she didn’t say anything, but she did sit down on the couch across from me and spread her legs wide, giving me a good view of her. It’s the boys.”We grinned at her remarks and I resumed the conversation. “Steve, we’ll want to go over each of the three documents in detail with you, to make sure we all understand them. The Land Corporation document may have to have some changes made to it, but we haven’t reached a decision on that yet. Before we get to those though, we have some serious questions for you.”Steve nodded and said, “Ask away.”“The first question is how much do we need to pay you to make us and our businesses.
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