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Just like Christinas videos I hid them in all the same places. Except of course I didnt put one in the Twilight cover. The next day during lunch I went up to her while she was talking to her boyfriend Terrick Hey Jill, can I talk to you about the Physics project? Yeah…uh sure. Terrick can we do this later? Terrick left giving me what seemed like the death stare. What do you want? She asked somewhat angered. I want my $500 back. I answered with a smirk. HAHA! Why exactly would I give you. Oh, sure, I dated, and so did Marie, but only so that we could secretly tape our temporary beaus. Once we got what we wanted on tape, we moved on to another "friend." Our tape library consists of hundreds of secretly made fuck and suck sessions, and we even have our boy and girlfriends alone, masturbating when they thought no one was around.Let me tell you about what we do on vacations.Vacations are wonderful for peeking, and, with some planning, for videotaping, too. We've really got it down. "Derek groaned inwardly, but hugged the Latin beauty back tightly."Looks like she's going to be with you for a long time," the man laughed. "Oh, how rude of me. I haven't introduced you to 'my Harmonica'," he said. Derek saw the woman rolled her eyes and break the man's grasp to hug the newcomers."Hi, my name is actually Harmony Monica Lewis," she said with a moderately heavy southern accent. "Joshua has told me so much about you."Derek mouthed "Joshua?" and the man nodded. Derek then returned. "Okay." She turned back to her stereo and turned it on. Her band started playing. Hailee slowly swayed her hips to the song. I intently watched. Seeing her this close dancing to her own music was so much hotter. Hailee her back to him and parted her legs and danced more. She ran her fingers through her hair. Her hands traveled down her body and along her legs. Hailee slid her hands over her ass and back down her legs. She slowly turned around. I looked shocked. "It's your special night. I want.
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