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I tried to ignore the fact that I was extremely attracted to her, but a bulge grew in my pants. Out of nowhere she asked do you like what you see. I immediately without thinking said yes, she then asked if I wanted to kiss her. Without a thought or care leaned over and started to kiss her, she and I laid in bed kissing until the baby fell asleep. Once the baby was asleep, I took her by the hand and led her to the guest bedroom. I started to kiss her again, as I was kissing her, I was. And because of the alcohol id of never of said this sober i said lets go over here where its quiet, so we started to kiss again whilst i was feeling her bum i could instantly tell she was loving it and she was sex starved, i carried on rubbing her bum to which she returned the favour, then she moved her hand round to my jeans and got a firm grip of my cock to which she said, "you like it dont you" then i said "nothing better" then i put my hands down the front of her leggings and inside her. ” I cut her off."Don't worry about me", I smiled. "This was your get away so please don't let me ruin it for you, have fun!" Beth smiled back and walked into the cottage with Johnny. Soon after followed the sound of them making love. I couldn't help but feel the slightest bit envious.I stared into the fire and watched it dance then I drifted to sleep. I awoke the next morning to find that I was in my bed; Johnny must have carried me in. I'm light at 125 pounds and a very sound sleeper. There. "And what about sunscreen."Mary laughed, and patted my arm. "Mark, haven't you realized one of the side-effects of Molech's power?" What?" I frowned."We're pretty resistant to flames, remember." Mary rolled her eyes like she couldn't believe how dense I was. "You got pretty scorched last November by one of Lilith's daughters. You should have been killed, but you barely had second degree burns. The sun's not going to do anything to us. We might not even tan." Is that limo open-topped?" I asked..
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