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Jenny answered the phone and said, “Mom could you give me ride to Eric ’s house?” He wants to make dinner for me and you can come if you want.” “Jenny I trust you but I am hungry too so I will go with you.” Jenny said, “You cannot be as hungry as I am not eating in five days. Eric opened the door before going back to the kitchen “I was hoping you would come here Mrs. Scott” “Please be seated.” Eric brought over the plates of New York steak baked potato and vegetable dish setting one in front. Craig initiated a kiss, soft and loving. “I kind of like you,” said Craig, combing Joe’s hair back with his hand. Joe was incredibly flattered. From the moment he saw Craig he wanted him. Now he stood, naked and carrying the seed of the man he so much desired. “I like you too, Craig, a lot.” “Awwww, so sweet of you considering I just wrecked your hole,” said Craig as he reached around and fingered Joe’s loose anus, wet with lube and his cum. “I might want some more of this,” said Craig,. That thought had never entered my head but as I thought about it sounded interesting. When he arrived I thought he was somewhat attractive. He was about 5'8" and maybe weighed 140. He looked to be in his mid 30's. We sat in the living room and introduced ourselves. His name was Victor and he was called Vic. He was married but his wife did not swing so he did it as a single. I got up from between them and went and brought drinks. As I did they both gave me a little swat on the butt. . You can take them off.” Who was I to protest? In a very trancelike, highly sexual state, I grasped the top of her silk panties and slowly pulled them down unveiling her beautiful ass and, as I pulled them over her thighs and down her legs, the very bottom of her apparently shaven pussy as not a hair was visible. Once the panties cleared her feet, as I turned to put them down, Janet shifted – lowered her midsection back to the bed, while she slightly opened her legs. She turned her head to the.
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