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She got up and lifted her suit from behind and I had a full view of her fleshy huge butts. She wore her white panties and put on the bottom also. I turned my face the other side as if I have seen nothing. She told me that she has finished it and but, she had started something in my mind by all this. I was thinking all the time about the seen I saw. It was already very dark outside and I wanted to masturbate in the meantime, my mama came back to the house. I had a small chat with him and then, I. She marveled at how chiseled his face looked, everything perfect in her mind. Reaching out she traced a line down forehead to his nose and then paused to tease his lips.Luke's nose wrinkled when she touched his lips and his eyes fluttered open, taking in a deep breath before rubbing his eyes with a big sleepy smile plastered across his face. He took another look at her, snorted and said. "Mornin'..." Before snuggling his face into her shoulder and drawing her close, as one of his hands slowly. Given my luck I'd bet it starts about five minutes before you get home." Then I guess I'd better get my fill tonight. Come on, the dishes can wait" and he took her hand and pulled her along behind him to the bedroom.Gary stripped and turned to face her. She motioned for him to sit on the bed and then she did a slow and sensual strip for him. Once naked she cupped her breasts and squeezed her nipples to make them stand out and then she walked to the bed and knelt in front of him. She looked up. They walked out. Now they could read each other's minds.***"Misty?" Ash thought."Yes?" Misty thought."Should we tell Brock?" Not yet." Misty accidentally said out loud."Not yet what?" Brock asked."NOTHING! Hehehehe..." Ash said."Let's tell him now." Misty told Ash."Okay..." Brock?" Misty asked."What?" Ash and I have something to tell you." The experiment worked. We can read minds now." Ash said."Why didn't you tell me?" Brock asked."Well um..." Misty started."We wanted to play a prank. DON'T.
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