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.. ahhhh!" I cry as I thrust a final time deep into him and hold there, quite still for some time, my panting all I can hear as I grind my clit into his arse. With my breath recovered I slowly reach a hand beneath him and feel his cock. He is rock hard and sticky with pre-cum and I realise he has been enjoying this, that it is perhaps time for me to bring him to orgasm too. Slowly I withdraw from his arse until the head slips free with a sticky pop. "Stay there! This isn't finished yet – I'd. Ashley orders another drink only this time its a double. Just then Glorias husband enters the bar and stands glancing around obviously looking for her. She excuses herself saying, Well Ashley good luck tonight. And in case youre wondering, no I dont have any regrets for agreeing to it, In fact Im kinda jealous of you girl. She turns and takes a few steps and then returns and whispers in Ashleys ear. Tonight the ladies that you see disappearing for a while are the ones that agreed to it when it. I just couldn't seem to shake the images of my friends fucking from my mind. I even went out and bought myself a silent vibrator that I could wear all the time, even at work.When I was at the office, I would only have to see Jane and my mind would fill with amazingly sexy images. So I started wearing the vibe all the time and when the need arose, I would operate the remote control to bring me to orgasm quickly so that I could get my work done. I would pretend to cough or sneeze as the orgasms. Once I sucked him off in a bathroom at a local Fremont Street festival. When we came out of the restroom, there was a line of people waiting to use the toilet. Everyone knew what had occurred. I heard the jokes and comments as we escaped into the crowd.Bryan encouraged me to see Gabriel as often as possible. He would point out I was only living to my potential and fulfilling my mantra. That I was pleasing him while taking care of Gabriel. Whenever Gabriel called, I was to make it happen. My.
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