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When the cabin crew take my bag and coat to put them away in a nearby cupboard I ask for a pillow and blanket. I watch where my things go as I thank the cabin crew lady for the pillow and blanket she brings me.Nice FlightThe girl’s mother is busy apologising and telling her daughter to sit in her seat, the one beside mine in the middle between her mother and me. When the girl is settled I step in to take my seat. Once I’m seated I lay the chair back just a little, place the seat belt on, put. For your pleasure. None whatsoever. Sunday morning hell. Every Sunday morning. Count the cracks. Wait for him to be done. Pretend you enjoy it. Try to smile. No, you are not sure why you ventured out. But venture out you had. And within an hour you were lost. The forest was thick and the sky so dark. What had been lovely little brooks transformed into raging and threatening torrents. Water driving down from the mighty cliffs into the sea. At first you thought of crossing. You had to cross to. I could feel the twitching in my pants again.“Here’s your laptop, thanks,” I said while handing her the laptop.“Need anything else?”, she asked.“No, thanks for asking,” I replied.I left the room and headed to the living room to watch some TV. I couldn’t focus on the TV because of Siya. I had no choice but to jerk off again. This time, I imagined my sister fulfilling my fantasies – from her twerking in front of me to lying on the bed masturbating with a vibrator. I finished quickly, spilling. I held her ankles and spread her legs, her pussy ,ohhh so beautiful, absolutely no hair, I asked her about what she used to shave , to my surprise she replied with a sigh that she had never grown any hair there, she was breathing heavy. Her pussy lips glistening with her secretions, I took my lips to her pussy and sucked it slightly, and heard her moan, it got me going even more and I darted my toungue into her pussy and licked her wild for some time, she shouted, grabbed my hair, I could feel.
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