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Sean went through to the bow cabin, with Lara following. It was small; just long enough for a person to stretch out either side, on a bunk with the lockers under, or fill in between with a shelf to make a double bed.“Why did you buy a boat you can’t stand up in?” she teased as he beckoned for one end of the tape.“A boat I can stand up in would be too big and expensive,” he sat his spare six-foot-three frame down on a bunk. He smiled again, seeing the teen had not been quite sure whether a tease. She stopped dead in her tracks and whirled around."King!" she screamed and jumped into my arms.I had borrowed Carol's car and driven over to Jennifer's parent's house and waited. At last, I heard the clip, clip of her shoes and, instantly, I knew it was her without even looking. The years just rolled back, she looked, smelt and felt the same as she always had."King, King, what are you doing here?" she asked, as our lips parted."Just popped in to see the family," I said off hand. "Didn't know. ." I said, smiling. I couldn't believe it, but I almost felt myself flirting with this guy!"That's quite fine. Where can I take you?" I told him to take me to my off campus apartment. It wasn't very far, thank god my parents had invested in my own place near the university. Mr. Smith soon introduced himself as Mike, and we got to talking about school and stuff. After about ten minutes of chatting, he finally asked me."So, I can't help but feel like your a bit confused about yourself. Sexually. He saved our lives."Within a few minutes both of them were asleep. The events of the preceding night had exhausted them.When they woke up, it was almost noon. Thor had pulled his bed over to the door and was blocking the door with his body. He apparently thought that he had let Ann down and that he would never allow the door to be opened again by anyone meaning to do her harm. After that day the bed would be in front of the door every morning no matter where she put the bed at night. Finally.
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