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"Ethan drew the towel from around his stomach and shook his head. It was all anyone was talking about. It would probably be all he heard about today. And if they ever found out his hospital badge was found folded into the last victim's clothes, he shook his head again, not wanting to even think of the mayhem that would cause.He dressed in scrubs, throwing on the other pair of shoes he kept in his locker as just in cases. He couldn't count all of the kids and adults he'd had that had vomited on. I was going to take this one chance to let her know I thought she was amazingly sexy. I was going to lay my virgin heart (and any other body parts she wanted to see) on the line before I left. Little did I know, she had the same plan. I called at 10:30 and at 11:45 I was walking down the street. I knocked on her door and she answered it naked. My mouth hit the floor and my cock was rock hard. I had imagined her body at least 50 times that summer while in the shower or late at night. Reality was. "Oh, yeah," Holly waved away, before adding, "Just. That's the style atthe moment, though," she shrugged as I pulled out another part of shorts,this time not in denim but a softer, stretchier material - but just asshort. "There's a lot of focus on bubble butts, big butts, being'thicc'... blame the Kard-'ass'-hians," Holly smiled, sipping her coffee."I can't wear these in public, though!" I protested, holding up a pairthat had the words 'SPANK ME' stencilled across the cheeks. Holly snortedso. Met her on an online dating app, wasn't looking for anything serious first date was simple enough a drink in town and then a peck of the cheek. Second date rolls around and we go out for another drink, have quiet a few and end up back at hers, were messing around on her bed and I put my hand down her pants and instantly feel she's soaking, I start to play with her lips and she starts to shake, she looks up at me and said with big eyes and a bit of embarrassment in her voice "I squirt" I said.
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