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I doubt there are any Karkallian women who haven’t been with other women. Having a man there makes it even better. When I bring someone, I’m sharing my good fortune with people I’m close to. I’m sharing a woman with you each night, and sharing you with her,” she explained.“As long as it’s something you want to do, and not something you feel you need to do for me,” I reiterated.With a final longing kiss from each girl, and a good deal of groping on my part, they were off, using the former pirate. Steve's birthday was approaching fast and I still had to sort out what todo about Steve's sexy present. Endless ideas presented themselves but whatdid Steve want and how did I carry it out? How was I going to act and feelseeing Steve in makeup and wearing woman's clothing? I was very unsure anddreading what may come out of it.About a fortnight before his birthday an idea started to form in my mind.That evening I casually mentioned that I was going to have my hairrestyled. This was something I. Angel was clear about that. All that preparednessand precaution would wear them down. Especially Lena, who was a vitallink in the whole thing. But this was the first weekday after thethreat became apparent, and they were all on edge. If nothinghappened that day, they would cut back to their more sustainablereactive plan. When something did happen, it had nothing to do with her problems.Robin had popped out to pick up their lunches, and after she returnedthey were eating at the school on the. I'llbe here to help and advise you. Now let's get back to the bedroom andmake ourselves presentable." Virginia led Stephanie back to the roomshe had so recently vacated. Stephanie looked with sorrow at her maleclothes lying discarded on the floor in a crumpled heap. "Will I everget to wear those again?" she thought sadly. Virginia turned to her."As we are going to spend most of the next seven days together, you hadbetter get used to calling me by my female name." she announced. Iprefer "Ginny,".
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