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Always a high achiever, at university or in the workplace, Carl always had high standards. The love of his life, Mary-Rose, an attractive brunette from Hertfordshire was everything he wanted in a partner. However something had gone wrong a year proceeding up to the spring of 2010 and the love life…well there was no love life. Carl, a handsome 30 year old with a narrow athletic frame, broad shoulders and a muscular chest had needs, always remained faithful to Mary-Rose, but now he was feeling. But as a woman, Amanda liked the way youngguys got hard over and over, the a****l way they shot off all thetime, the fact that they couldn't even help themselves- all thisappealed to Amanda's sensitivities. She liked the obvious,desperate look in their eyes on the streets as they checked herout, liked the awkward way they tried to talk to her when shedidn't really need them to talk. As a girl, she had liked justmaking boys do what she wanted- but as a woman, the charge shegot had become. Not that Yevgeny wouldn’t do it himself, he just wouldn’t brag about it.The front door of the house opened. Head high in defiance, Natalie and her daughter exited the house. It had been a decade since he’d last seen the girl. Despite her identical genetics, she appeared noticeably different from her mother. Mostly it was her hair, pulled back into tight pigtails, but it was also her meek, eyes down, demeanor. Obviously, Roger’s promise to train the girl had succeeded to a degree.Yevgeny waited. That his boss police Chief Robert Randolph needed to speak to him so he quickly finished his sandwich drank some coffee then he left his office and reported to the chief's office.When he reached his destination he entered the chief's office then he said "You wanted to see me sir"?The boss cleared his throat then he said to his best detective "Andy I have another protective custody assignment for you." U.S. Army Sergeant first class Jennifer Davidson is on leave from her unit at fort Leonard.
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