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. When you get to the bathroom door and open it you'll find me waiting for you kneeling in a puddle of my own drool already, my eyes light up the moment you enter the room coz I hope you will like what you see... you look me over standing in the doorframe still, you start smiling deviously, you walk up to me unzip your fly take your cock out and shove your head into my mouth. "Not a single drop bitch" i know my orders and i like how you dont just shove your cock down my throat but want me to. The bra quickly followed, releasing her full, round breasts from their captivity. Rachel was wearing tights and she took them down at the same time as her panties, sitting on the end of the bed in order to remove them. She slowly pivoted. ‘Do I meet your approval?’ ‘Yes, ma’am. You sure do.’ Rachel reached out, unzipped his trousers and unfastened the belt. They fell around his ankles. Beneath them he wore brightly coloured shorts, which she pulled down, allowing his penis to spring up parallel. He did the same to me. It took longer than I had imagined considering We were making out. I then proceeded to pull down his jeans and take off his shirt . He also did the same to me . He was then laying on top of me in only his grey boxer briefs and starter socks, and I was laying under him in my checkered boxers and starter socks. I could see a substantial budge In his briefs and and i to was now completely hard . His dick looked about the size I imagined it by looking at his body type. I. "Hey! Remember me? Long time no see ey," I replied quite confidently as I now gave her the once over, and man was she fine. She had barely changed from when I was growing up, but I guess I appreciated the sight a great deal more now. She had dark blonde hair, with fair skin, and a slim body. I managed to check out her reasonably sized breasts as well, but made my look quick to try and avoid her noticing. "It certainly has been a long time, I remember when you used to come round and hang out.
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