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That big black strap on is coming out the moment we get up to our room," Margery told her husband with a wicked smile on her face.Henry let out another groan when he learned what was going to happen when they got to their room. His wife had been using the strapon on him since they got to the island. It had been the most amazing thing he had ever experienced, actually having Margery fuck him in his ass.The elevator proceeded to move up between the floors.Down in the lobby, Elisabeth was showing. ‘You are so handsome.’ I tell him and he smiles and begins to thrust faster inside me. He licks my neck and I giggle. ‘Do you like me inside you Blue Eyes?’ He says and my hands grip his ass as he pumps into me. ‘Yes…’ I moan and I wish I could stay here forever. Gone are my plans to run back to America. I just want those other women gone. I push them out of my head as he urges me to get on my knees. He enters me again and this time his hands are on my waist. ‘I love taking you. You feel so. As we drove I gave him directions to my apartment. When we pulled into the parking lot of my complex, he shut off the engine and looked at me for a moment. Without saying a word he took my face in his hands and leaned over to kiss me. I responded to his touch instantly. His fingers were warm against my skin and his tongue was sweet in my mouth. I pulled away from him, ‘I think we should go inside.’ ‘I agree.’ I led him in the front door of my place and immediately through the door on the left. We dressed again, the girls this time in regular clothes, not the uniforms they had sported earlier, and walked back to the main beach. A few fires were burning as groups of people talked into the night, relaxing before bed.Janie and I joined Jared at our campsite, and we began drifting off to sleep immediately. I did notice, however, before falling asleep, that Joelle and Dkembe were still missing. I smiled as I imagined what they were getting up to, and my consciousness faded into.
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